While I'll miss the goofy grin of Sean Gallagher, I'm happy as can be (after missing on Sabathia) that Jim Hendry is pulling the strings for the Cubs. I don't care WHAT he said, this was his Winston Wolfe persona taking care of the "Bonnie Situation" (if you don't know what I'm talking about, rent "Pulp Fiction". You're welcome). Something Andy McPhail (McFail) would NEVER have done.
No, I'm not printing my World Series Tickets yet, but we've matched the top end of the Brewers situation. With Rich Harden coming over, we now have our "Ben Sheets" in that when the guy is healthy, he's one of the best in the bigs, the trick is "when the guy is healthy" part. Buster Olney on ESPN compared him to an older Mark Prior. I see that. When he's on the bump, it's magic.
Oh, and when the Brewers added Sabathia, they got their "Big Z". I love our chances, our bullpen is better than theirs and our hitting more consistent, and kicking the ball around the field is something they do now and we did (A LOT) last year.
My buddy Geoff beat me to the punch with his spot on assessment of the impotence in the realm of political intercourse going on in the Congress with their now SINGLE DIGIT approval rating. This isn't golf folks where the low score wins. See Geoff's blog here: http://prayersforwah.blogspot.com/.
Lastly, my darling sister corrected my blog protocol by insisting I pass along the kudos to her source for the Home Depot tip from earlier. My original post has been corrected. Thanks again Sis!
She also has an idea about Entertainment Weekly scaling back their publishing by asking subscribers to hit their website. I think she may be right on the money with this one.
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