I thought he was REALLY good. I think because he died you’ve got a LOT of people in Hollywood who are interested in honoring his (brief) body of work. I think because it made SILLY money over the weekend, it actually might work against that groundswell. That said, the LOTR: Return of the King made buckets o’ cash and I think won Best Picture. Still, this is a “comic book” movie.
The whole movie was very good, but it’s REALLY FRIGGIN’ DARK. There were a handful of scenes that if they’d extended the action a split second longer, it would have gotten an R. I think it might have deserved one regardless. I did turn into my sister more than once (she’s VERY CONCERNED about kids attending movies they shouldn’t), marveling at all the AWFUL parents who brought their youngin’s. When we were walking out, we were behind a guy with FIVE kids, three of them had to be between the ages of 8 and 4. Some well intentioned older woman waiting in line to see the movie after us bent over and asked the boys “So, how did you like it?” and unsolicited I responded (loudly), “It’s totally not appropriate for kids that age.” And she responded “Really????” and I said, “Yes, it’s PG-13 for a REASON!” I don’t even think I broke stride.
Strong efforts from all the actors involved and plenty of screen time for all the characters. The only MINOR quibble is it sounded like Bale was gargling razor blades when he talked as Batman and he did that QUITE a bit, particularly in the final third of the film. Assuming they make another, THAT one will be even be darker still.
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