Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's Over!!!

The checks and balances I mean. With Spector flipping to the Democrats, and Stuart Smalley maneuvering his way to the Senate in Minnesota, there will be the magic 60 votes in place to break any filibuster the impotent Republicans could muster.

Goodbye tax cuts, innovation in healthcare, 2nd Amendment, School Vouchers, Secret Ballot, world class healthcare, and Capitalism.

Hello tax increases, cap and trade (a FARCE), Gun Control, Card Check legislation (BIG UNIONS), socialized medicine, inferior healthcare and Socialism.

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid can pass whatever laws they want and NOBODY CAN STOP THEM!

Let's give the media, sheep that followed them, and LOUSY leadership of the Republicans a round of applause.


Friday, April 24, 2009

"Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste"

Not my words, but those of Rahm Emanuel the POTUS Chief of Staff (or the "tiny dancer" as a friend of mine calls him in a nod to Rahm's time as a Ballet dancer).

Anyway, Global Warming is a sham and the Democrats are cowards who would rather plug their ears and say "lalalalalalalala" rather than have a serious debate.

Witness their desire to have Al Gore, the global warming "expert" himself testify without allowing a counter point on how dire it is for the government to hammer out the Cap and Trade taxes on businesses (in a recession no less, did these clowns even bother studying economics) without debate NOW.

The Republicans flew in Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to testify and the Democrats refused.

Here's the link: http://www.climatedepot.com/a/429/Report-Democrats-Refuse-to-Allow-Skeptic-to-Testify-Alongside-Gore-At-Congressional-Hearing

The global warming emperor has no clothes and the party in power would just assume we didn't notice.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Out of Control!!!

I was a Commercial Banker once upon a time. Take a look at these financials:

Figures on government spending and debt

Total public debt subject to limit April 16 11,125,587
Statutory debt limit 12,104,000
Total public debt outstanding April 16 11,183,899
Operating balance April 16 257,351
Interest fiscal year 2009 thru February 148,762
Interest same period 2008 198,518
Deficit fiscal year 2009 thru February 764,525
Deficit same period 2008 264,541
Receipts fiscal year 2009 thru February 860,877
Receipts same period 2008 967,153
Outlays fiscal year 2009 thru February 1,625,402
Outlays same period 2008 1,231,694
Gold assets in March 11,041

Interest is down, but that's a function of interest rates in the market, NOT outstanding debt.

The deficit is up 500,000 (I assume this is in millions, so it's 500 Billion), receipts (I assume taxes collected) are DOWN 100,000 (again, it's 100 Billion) over the same period last year, and spending is up 400,000 (again, it's 400 Billion).

This is a recipe for bankruptcy. STOP THE SPENDING!!!!