Friday, April 24, 2009

"Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste"

Not my words, but those of Rahm Emanuel the POTUS Chief of Staff (or the "tiny dancer" as a friend of mine calls him in a nod to Rahm's time as a Ballet dancer).

Anyway, Global Warming is a sham and the Democrats are cowards who would rather plug their ears and say "lalalalalalalala" rather than have a serious debate.

Witness their desire to have Al Gore, the global warming "expert" himself testify without allowing a counter point on how dire it is for the government to hammer out the Cap and Trade taxes on businesses (in a recession no less, did these clowns even bother studying economics) without debate NOW.

The Republicans flew in Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to testify and the Democrats refused.

Here's the link:

The global warming emperor has no clothes and the party in power would just assume we didn't notice.

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