Sunday, July 27, 2008

15 Year College Reunion Recollections

This last weekend was my 15 year college reunion at Marquette in Milwaukee, WI.

Random Thoughts:

  • I know how my kids feel when we have guests come to the house. They're so excited and don't know how to process it, so they'll yell "HIDE!!!" even when people are coming to see them. THAT'S how I felt when Rob and Matt were en route to pick me up on Friday.
  • Rob needs to shave that hair under his lip. He's got a handsome face and he shouldn't hide it, unless he has his heart set on playing Cyndi Lauper's dad (Captain Lou Albano) in her next video.
  • Matt has a great sense of humor and has balls the size of church bells. His brown eye was winking at that lady by the statue.
  • I closed Wolski's (pretty much).
  • I didn't think it was possible, but Devin and Jen are even more fun to be around now than when we were in college.
  • I can't drink like I used to, and that's OK and no I'm not angry about it (or anything else).
  • Trinity in Milwaukee rocks. Their Bailey's Battered French Toast was fantastic!
  • Amber is quite the dish (no wonder the girls wanted to try her cherry chapstick). She and Jeff are great together.
  • I realized I dress like an old man when a 50 year old complemented me on my shirt (he was wearing the same one).
  • Pete Berzins was great to talk to and he and Nicole are great couple.
  • Lakefront Brewery has the best tours, even if you don't get into one.
  • My RA from Sophomore year at Mashuda is a State Representative in Michigan. If you live in the "Fightin' 79th" District of Michigan, vote for John Proos.
  • Jeff is A LOT of fun to hang with at the bar. He takes tremendous pride in making sure all his friends are taken care of.
  • The bartender who put on "Beat It" at around 12:30 AM at Murph's deserves a raise.
  • I married very well. Much like my relationship with my family, I'm pretty sure my friends like Brooke better than me and I'm fine with that because they LOVE her.
  • Rob's blanket apology to anyone he may have offended the night before with his actions.
  • Skipping out at Real Chili never gets old. No, not me, but someone I know did.
  • Water Street Brewery has the coolest chef in town because he hates the Red Wings and bought me a beer because of my Blackhawks shirt.
  • I'm so very lucky to have such wonderful people let me hang out with them and call them my friends.


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