Friday, July 24, 2009

Global Warming and Developing Nations

If you know me, you know I'm skeptical of the global warming alarmists out there who insist that if we do not reduce our economic output the polar ice caps will melt and people will die. The fact that this has been one of the coolest summers in Chicago in my memory seems to me to justify my stance (to be fair, I have relatives in Nevada who are suffering through their third week of 100 degree days).

Anyway, I've been dubious to the efforts of the Democrats to pass the "Cap and Trade" bill for a number of reasons, some of which are that it transfers more power to the Government and away from private industry (you know, people who create JOBS), is a hidden HUGE Tax increase on Americans, and it's based on inconclusive science that anybody who questions it has been demonized.

Lastly, my concerns were no matter how badly we damage our economy, people lose their jobs and cannot provide for their loved ones because of this, the efforts would be in vain because few other countries are pushing this agenda as well.

Whatever production we shut down will be increased in India and China because they are emerging economies and like to have discretionary income.

Anyway, I saw George Will's column and it crystalized it for me. Please hit the Post and read (it was also printed in the Chicago Tribune as well today).

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