Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What is the Rush?

So, the Dems in the House fashioned a cap and trade bill just tonight (Wednesday), and are going to vote on Friday. So, is this bill, simple, straightforward, short, and solves the "problem"? The answer to all of this is "of course not", which is why they want to vote on it less than 48 hours later, before ANYONE has time to read it, much less figure out the pros and cons and then have a debate.

This happened before with the stimulus bill (which hasn't stimulated ANYTHING except government waste). Didn't we learn from that?

If the Republicans had tried this nonsense, the Mainstream Media would have had a field day. ABC couldn't be reached for comment because the President told them not to.

Somewhere Algore is smiling, before jetting off somewhere else to lecture the masses about pollution, while promoting his personal business interests.

Here's the link to the WSJ: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124579482359843937.html

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