Friday, January 23, 2009

Barney Frank

Honestly, HOW does this guy look at himself in the mirror? HOW does he continue to get away with his political patronage game. First he oversaw the financial failure of Fannie/Freddie (not only ignoring, but SHOUTING DOWN calls for reform YEARS ago) who happened to be contributing to his campaign, NOW he's gone to bat for OneUnited Bank in Boston and given them a check for 12 MILLION DOLLARS of FEDERAL TAXPAYER money because they are FOB (Friends of Barney).

The good news is OneUnited Bank has provided a company car for use by the executives, it's a PORSCHE. Yeah, they spend almost as responsibly as our "friends" in Congress.

These clowns in Washington are issuing blank checks to friends of theirs and letting others fail (because they're not as connected), and they're using MY MONEY to do it.

Where's the "Change I can believe in?"

Or doesn't that apply to conservatives?

Read ALL about it on this link:

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