Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tough Week

My bride and I had "the talk" with Ethan (no, not that one, for Pete's Sake, he's only EIGHT). The talk about Santa Claus. One of the older kids at Day Care was telling everyone that "Santa isn't real" and "it's your mom and dad", and Ethan got into an argument about it.

He wound up being teased because he believed.

So, Brooke called me on my way home from work (ANOTHER late one), told me of his troubles and felt that we should tell him.

After we put Cameron to bed, we tucked in Ethan and told him the truth. He didn't know how to handle it. It looked like he was going to cry, but he was smiling. He was upset because the older kid "was ruining it, for EVERYONE!!!" and went on how this kid always likes being right and what was wrong with him? I told him that in life you'll run into those kinds of people your whole life. There are a few that daddy works with. All you can do is shrug your shoulders and let them think what they want because you won't be able to change their minds and life is too short for that.

He looked at me, gave me a little smile and said, "Well, at least he wasn't making fun of the Easter Bunny." I smiled and told him THAT was a discussion for another time.

1 comment:

gswhite71 said...

I did have "THE TALK" with my sons. Both of them. And I don't mean the Santa talk.

Like ripping off a band-aid. Do it fast and then get the heck out of the room.