Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dark Place

I don't know how much more of this nonsense I can stand.

Cubs: They've failed again. Why did they waste all that jet fuel to get to LA, when a postage stamp would do? They completely mailed it in. No passion. No desire. You could see it at the end with the players on the bench from the seventh inning on. Why weren't they on the front step, encouraging each other?

Do I box all my Cubs stuff up and put it away in my basement? I haven't decided yet because I don't think it's wise to make these sorts of decisions in haste. I don't want to be frustrated any more by them. Do I no longer throw myself in after them? Do I pass on Spring Training? Do I no longer attend games? Do I hang up the royal blue pinstrips forever? Do I discourage the boys from loving the Cub? Fortunately (or unfortanately) neither Ethan nor Cameron have the patience or attention span yet to sit through a game either on the couch or at the park).

Politics: I'm tired of the Republicans being painted as stupid/corrupt/bumbling/evil/incompetent by the Mainstream Media. I'm tired of watching the Democrats get a pass for all their indiscretions and failures. How can Barney Frank still have a job after the Fannie/Freddie debacle THAT HAPPENED ON HIS WATCH? How dare he and his party lay the blame for this solely at the feet of everyone on the other side of the aisle? They're ALL PIGS, they've ALL FAILED their electorate. This "bailout" package is a sham and never should have been passed. I'm tired of being forced to pony up and pay for everyone else's mistakes. I'm tired of watching politicians and their friends get theirs by working the system. WHERE'S MINE????!?!?!?!

What do you when enough is enough and you've had enough?

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